Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Day 15: Perseverance

per·se·ver·ance ˌpərsəˈvirəns/

steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

This blog has quickly become entry after entry of praising your subtleties. That's okay though. You really do deserve recognition every once in a while. And why not load you up with these compliments while you are not able to read it!? Once you do though, hopefully it will be reassuring and make you happy. Anyway, back to today! This word describes your actions perfectly. I suppose the word "will" would have done the trick as well, but this will do. It is also fitting that it is in the same stream as you being so motivational. I couldn't see it any other way though. Your actions speak louder than any words. You excel in everything you can get your hands on. That isn't by any form of an accident. You are built like a well-oiled machine. You go through life, striving to find something appealing - yet difficult, only to work through it flawlessly, and showcase your amazing capabilities in the process. It is not something that can really be learned. You are just a natural-born killer. You seek out these things, and hunt them as if they were measly prey. To sum this up appropriately, you are everything that anyone could imagine and dream of being. It is a privilege to be in your life, and a miracle that we both persevered long enough to find each other at the right time. 

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