Saturday, July 2, 2016

Day 5: Patience

pa·tience ˈpāSHəns/ noun

the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

It takes an immense amount of patience to be on the road, away from home, working with people that you don't know. Not to mention, your travel is for 42 days, six weeks, or the equivalent of either time denoted time period. Regardless how you break it down, it is for a while. I have to salute you though. 5 days in, and it isn't like you really left home. Yeah, you aren't home. Yeah, you probably think about being at home more than you lead on. Regardless of your situation, you always seem to make the most and best of it! For the first couple of days, it seemed like there were plenty of negatives to complement the very minimal positives of the job travel. Today, though, it became apparent to me that you don't complain about things to show how bad things are. You explain each situation from multiple angles to allow for a complete and concise background of the stories you are telling. Maybe it was just a simple matter of perspective for me, or lack thereof, but during a conversation we were having today, it hit me! You are one of the most patient people I know. With everything you have handled, and continue to handle, I am continuously impressed. This current situation you are in, for the job, displays your patience to the max. In order to maintain your positivity and keep everything kosher between you and your work mates, you have had to be so patient. Technically, this is the beginning of the trip still, but 5 days have passed by fast, and you are seeming to be more and more comfortable by the day. I wouldn't expect any less. You always impress me. 

I love you.


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