Friday, July 1, 2016

Day 4: Misfit

mis·fit ˈmisˌfit/ noun 

a person whose behavior or attitude sets them apart from others in an uncomfortably conspicuous way.

I know this blog is about you and your journey across the country, sporting and supporting Reebok and their marketing/brand activation efforts, but I also want it to be a blog where I would share the same things with you that I would if you were here in person. (I hope that all makes sense)

Anyway, today I felt sort of left out. Not that I could not function, or that I felt like a loser, but I generally feel (at least for some time now) that I am so much different than anyone else around me. I suppose it isn't the worst situation to be in, especially if I am comfortable being myself, and enjoy life the way that I have it. But there are some times when I feel like things are being said to or around me, and I do not feel like it pertains to me at all. Or at least not enough to relate or think it's funny, etc. I felt that today at work, and it was hard for a moment there. I will spare you the details, but being so much different than so many other people was sort of a concern of mine, when I was shifting in life, and moving into the corporate world. Solely for the dynamic of the workplace, it could be awkward if someone is that much of an outsider. It's all good though. The time passed, and was all good in the end.

I love you. I can't stop staring at you, as you fall asleep on FaceTime. I miss you so much. You are such a huge part of my life and every day. Thank you for allowing me to have that great opportunity. I wouldn't know a good life without it.

Until later,


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